GSMA Private 5G Industrial Networks - June 2023
1. Demand for Private Mobile Networks: The demand for private mobile networks based on 4G LTE and 5G technologies is driven by the increasing data, security, digitization & mobility requirements of modern enterprise and government entities. 2. Number of Countries with Private Mobile Networks: The GSA report states that 74 countries globally have at least one private mobile network in place. 3. Leading Verticals: The verticals with the highest growth in private mobile networks are Manufacturing, Education, Device Testing and Lab as a Service, Oil & Gas. 4. Customer References: The GSA report indicates that there were 1,148 customer references in Q1 2023, up from 1,077 in Q4 2022. 5. LTE Deployment: Among the cataloged customers deploying private mobile networks, LTE is used by 853 of them, according to the data available to GSA. 6. 5G Deployment: 5G is being deployed in 505 customers, which accounts for 48% of the cataloged customers. These deployments primarily focus on l...